- Quelin Billing LLC
Ronnie S
December 3, 2024
The abbreviation UB in medical billing stands for Uniform Billing. As implied by its name, Uniform Billing aims to standardize and simplify the process of medical billing for reimbursement purposes. The UB is a critical factor in submitting claims to insurance companies and securing compensation for doctors’ services.
In 2007, the UB-92 form was replaced by the UB-04 (CMS 1450) form. The aim of the CMS was to simplify billing claims by creating a standardized form. As a result, new fields were incorporated into the UB-04 to ensure all necessary information is included for insurance billing.
The standard printing of the UB-04 utilizes red ink on white paper, but many hospitals have now opted for the electronic version for ease and efficiency.
The UB-04 form contains 81 fields, also known as Form Locators (FL), each focusing on a specific set of information. For instance, FL 1 requests the billing provider’s name, address, contact information, and country code. FL 3 requires the patient control number and medical record number for your facility. And FL 6 asks for the statement dates in MMDDYY format. Similarly, the remaining fields also gather details related to billing claims. Finally, at FL 81, you will provide your taxonomy code and qualifier.
The American Hospital Association and the National Uniform Billing Committee are jointly responsible for creating and updating the Official UB-04 Electronic Data Set and releasing the UB-04 Manual.
The extensive array of form locators on the UB-04 form can be overwhelming and completing the lengthy document requires significant focus and accurate details. Submitting an incorrectly filled form may lead to denials, so it is important for billers to carefully review the UB-04 form and verify all information before submission. To assist in avoiding any denials, here are some helpful tips.
Reach out to Quelin Billing for expert assistance in medical billing, coding, and practice management, tailored to your healthcare needs.